Why should we be cautious and consider parking places as potentially dangerous places? Well, we use them almost every day and depending on location, design, and time of day, parking structures can, in fact, present a risk for violence. Here are some basic safety tips that you can use to help keep you safer when traveling to and from your automobile.

  • Park near your office building or public access entry point in a highly visible and well-lit area.
  • Use the main building entrance and avoid rear or secluded exits.
  • Use the buddy system and walk to-and-from your vehicle with a friend, co-worker, or security officer.
  • Have your keys and personal safety items ready. Be sure you are properly trained and legally informed about these items.
  • Consider starting a messaging circle with family, friends, or loved ones. Call or text when you arrive and when you leave.
  • Tell your family about changes in your schedule and make sure loved ones understand your arrival/departure times.
  • Do not leave valuables and/or personal belongings in plain view. These are invitations for potential trouble.
  • Remember the basics. Lock your doors and roll-up your windows. Try not to sit in idling vehicles for extended periods.

In conclusion, be alert and walk with confidence. Make eye contact with other people. Keep your head up and stay focused on the environment. Always trust your instincts and react calmly when you feel something is not right.

Hopefully these safety tips make your holiday season more safe and enjoyable!